About Me
About Me

About Me

šŸ‘‹Ā Hi, Iā€™m Kassidy! You can call me Kass.

I'm a multidisciplinary technologist based in Brooklyn, NY with experience across development, design, product management, technical architecture, technical consulting, and more.

Since being introduced to tech as a kid, I've never stopped wondering how things work. This curiosity is what led me to pursue computer engineering in school, build my own freelance business here in New York, and continues to drive me to find creative solutions to difficult problems with high business impact.

My superpower is working collaboratively across teams to turn product requirements, technological constraints, and high-level creative visions into beautiful, impactful experiences for customers. I'm currently seeking a full-time role on a team that's passionate and excited about what they're building.

Based in Brooklyn, NY.
Originally from Texas.